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About Us


We have designed our site to make your buying and browsing as easy and more enjoyable as possible. We value our customers feedback so if you have any comments about the site we'd love to hear from you.


Here at Spokz we provide disability sports accessories, lifestyle equipment and wellbeing services.

Spokz has been set up by Steve Dent: “I have had a disability for over 30 years caused by a spinal injury which puts Spokz in a good position to help and advise our customers. Our aim is to provide exciting, innovative products and make them available to all.”

It is Spokz' mission to enhance the lives of those with disabilities through lifestyle, leisure and sports products and services aimed at enhancing one’s physical, mental and sexual wellbeing, at affordable prices and with good old-fashioned customer service.


We are also a founder member of Kandu, CLICK HERE to find out more....